Horton Mill Community Primary School

Year 3

Welcome to Year 3!

Our big question this half term is ‘Who first lived in Britain?’

We will be learning and exploring about the Stone Age. We will be learning and exploring about what jobs archaeologists do and why they are so valuable in helping us find out about history, how shelters were made during early Briton, research about the lifestyles during early Britain and explore the art they produced. Through this learning challenge question, we will be making links to other curriculum subjects, such as art & design and literacy.

This term P.E will be on a Tuesday afternoon and on a Wednesday morning. Our P.E teacher will be leading the sessions Please can children make sure they come to school in their full P.E kits on these days. Children should wear plain black leggings or joggers, white t-shirt and a plain black sweatshirt or hoody. Trainers must be worn during PE sessions.

The children will also receive a weekly guitar lesson this year. Our music teacher will come to school every Tuesday for the session. The children are really excited to start their guitar lessons this year. I’m sure they will tell you all about it after the sessions.

Children are expected to take their book bags home and bring the back to school the next morning on a daily basis. Children need to make sure they read at home on a regular basis. I also expect children to practise their spellings as they will be tested on these in school and also make sure they are regularly practising their timetables.

If you have any questions or wish to discuss your child’s learning, please see me or any member of the Year Three team before or after school. We are always happy to share the exciting learning of the children.


Ms Iqbal and Mrs Peerzada