Horton Mill Community Primary School


Hello  from our Reception Team!

Welcome to our final half term of the year!

Everyday your child will take part in phonics, writing and maths sessions. We use Mastery Maths and White Rose Maths to teach Mathematical Development. We also use the challenge curriculum. Your child will take part in answering a series of questions related to the half terms topic linked to the story of the week. This half term our topic is based around stories and we will begin our topic with a teddy bear's picnic. We would love for you to join us!



Phonics and Reading


At Horton Mill we use Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised to teach phonics. Please read the attached document for all the information as how we teach phonics and reading and how you can support your child.

Phase 2 Sounds taught Autumn 1

Phase 2 sounds taught in Reception Autumn 2

For further information and links to videos please click Little Wandle Parent's Resources

It is essential your child reads as often as possible. We will read with your child in a group three times a week. You will receive a log in to your child’s reading e book. Collins Ebooks. Your child’s book will change weekly. You are also invited into school every Friday to listen to your child read. Every Thursday we hold a book club where you child can choose a book for you to share at home.

Developing their language skills is extremely important to children in the Early Years. Please follow this link for ideas of how to support your child at home. https://www.bbc.co.uk/tiny-happy-people/activities/zjh8hbk

Thank you for all your support.

Reception team.