Horton Mill Community Primary School

Attendance News


Good attendance at school is essential for pupils to get the most out of their school experience, including their attainment, wellbeing, and wider life chances.  At Horton Mill Community Primary School, we expect children to attend school every day unless they are unwell.
Each week we will report on the attendance for the whole school but also each individual class.
Our weekly attendance target is to acheive at least 96%.
Week Beginning 13.01.2025:
Year Group % Attendance
Nursery 96.6% (↑ 0.6 %)
Reception 97.1% (↑ 5.3% )
Year One 93.3% ( ↑ 2.3% )
Year Two

98.4% (↑ 1.4% )

Year Three 98% ( ↑ 4.5% )
Year Four 94.3%  (↓ 2.3%)
Year Five 96.9% (↑ 0.3% )
Year Six 81.7% ( ↑ 13.6%)
Whole School 96.3% ( ↑ 3.3% )


Is it important that children arrive to school on time every day so that they are not missing the start of the day. Our classroom doors are open from 8.45 - 8.55. From 8.55, children will need to be signed in at the school office and they will be marked in the school register as 'late'. 

Each week we will report on the number of children arriving late for the whole school as well as each individual class.

Year Group Number of pupils arriving late
Reception 8
Year One 4
Year Two 4
Year Three 3
Year Four 5
Year Five 2
Year Six 1