Year 5
Welcome to our Year Five page.
Welcome back and we hope you've had a lovely half term break.
We have lots to look forward to this half term!
Half Term Two.
This half term our Big Question is, 'Will we ever send another human to the moon?'
In English we will be writing magical stories based on the book, ‘Leon and the place between’. We will write non-chronological reports about space and will also be working on a poem called ‘The Magic Box’. We will read this poem and create a poem of our own using a similar style.
In maths we will be working on multiplication and division and fractions.
Our science lessons will develop our understanding of space by completing a scientific enquiry. We will think about what causes day and night and also the phases of the moon.
In computing we will be using databses.
In art we will be studying the artist Peter Thorpe and creating space pictures.
During our PSHCE lessons we will be valuing difference.
In RE we will look at how Christmas is celebrated around the world.
During Spanish lessons we will be presenting weather reports and discussing pets. We will also be thinking about the verb tener.
Important information:
Wednesday is our PE day. Children should come to school in their PE kits. PE kits: Plain white T shirt and plain black shorts or tracksuit bottoms. Trainers
Reading at home: Children are encouraged to read at home for at least 10 minutes every night.
They should bring a book bag to school every day.
Children can choose a new book as soon as they have competed one, there is no set day for changing books.
All home-learning will be set weekly. We will provide English and Maths home-learning with additional topic activities. Children will also have weekly spellings to learn.
If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to ask. We are happy to support all our children and families in any way we can.
Mrs. Clews, Mrs. Meredith and Miss Ashton
Year 5: BBC Bitesize lessons:
Reading: Oxford Owls Class login: Year Five 23 Password: Scooby
Primary help: