For the safety of our whole school community, can we kindly ask that any ladies attending WOW on a Wednesday morning use the following safety measures:
- Use the Rainbow Room external door to attend the WOW session. The Rainbow Room is next door to the Year 6 classroom and the external door is near to where Year 4 come into school. This external door is also used by 'Stay and Play' every Thursday Morning.
- Wait in the Rainbow Room with Mrs Parveen and she will walk down with you to the Nurture Room.
- If you have a pram, this can be stored underneath the Outdoor Classroom in the Key Stage One Playground.
- Any ladies arriving after 9.00 will need to enter through the School Office.
- If you need to leave the Nurture Room, you will need to wear a WOW lanyard.
- At the end of the WOW session, Mrs Nadim/Mrs Parveen will let you out of the building.
- WOW sessions start at 9.00 and end at 10.30.
Thank you for your continued support and understanding.
Mrs Cook